Happy Easter!
Poch singing one of the songs they performed
during their Lenten prayer service
The seasons of Lent and Easter has a special meaning for me not only because of its religious aspects but also because it was during at these times that most major happenings/changes in my life happened/started. Like in April 2003, it was Easter Wednesday when I married my almost 9 yrs boyfriend, Thomas. And on April the following year, I gave birth to our daughter, Cybelle Louise, on a Good Friday. Then there was last year when we (Cybelle and I) left Cebu for Perth, WA, it was Black Saturday... and started living a new life (the three of us) together in a foreign land on Easter Sunday 2008.
And for this year, it's the first time that I got to spend the whole seasons of Lent and Easter here down under. It's quite different from what I'm used to in my home country, Philippines, as I've expected but still the meaning/purpose/reason of the seasons/celebrations is the same. Repentance, renewal and making new good beginnings are just some important messages/reminders for us to make our lives worthwhile.
I am most grateful to the One above for giving me another Easter in my life to start anew (like having this new blog site). And as what the priest said during his final Easter mass message yesterday and I quote, "God works in times of crisis." And it's so true. We just have to trust Him because He really works in mysterious ways and His love for us is very wonderful.
Happy Easter! =)