Fishing Escapades

at Fremantle port - d' first time we went fishing
(it was a cold night and the moon was shining brightly @ d' night sky)
Fishing's our new found weekend recreation. It started more than 3 weekends ago when we (spur of the moment) decided together with some of our friends to go fishing. Unfortunately, on the first weekend we went fishing we were not able to have any valid catch. The ones we've caught were either a blowfish (butete) or an undersized fish (they have a very strict fishing regulations here especially when it comes to the size and kind of fish).

fishing at Fremantle near Austal
(caught not a blowfish but an undersized one...
so, we needed to put it back to the waters)
I realized that fishing isn't that easy at all if you don't have the right mind set to do it and the patience that goes with it. But it's a nice feeling when you're able to catch something out from the sea. Though, it didn't really matter to us that we're not able to have a lot of catch because we were enjoying the process with the company of our friends. And personally, my eyes were busy feasting with the great views around me that somehow made my thoughts wander.

fishing at rocks, North Quay Fremantle
Last weekend, Thomas went fishing with one of our friends. I decided to stay at home since Poch and I were still recuperating from cough and colds as a result of our fishing activities the past weeks. The cold wind triggered my sinusitis which led to a very bad migraine. Maybe when the weather's not that cold anymore I'll join fishing again.
Malou & Rommel, our fishing mates
After fishing, we would then prepare for a small 'sutukil salu-salo' out from the fishes caught. Nothing beats the taste of the fresh seafoods shared over a meal with good friends.